Clubs and Enrichment

Physical Education:

The Physical Education Department offers an extensive extracurricular programme. We have activities taking place as a Session 0 (before school) and Session 6 (after school) every day of the week. All of these extracurricular clubs/activities are free and are available for every student to attend, regardless of ability. We firmly believe that extra curricular activities are important for the welfare of your child’s physical development, not only for improving levels of fitness, but also enhancing skills, meeting students from other groups, as well as learning or developing new sports.







We are proud to offer a vast array of sports and activities throughout the year. These include; Football, Badminton, Rugby, Netball, Basketball, Fitness Suite, Cricket, Rounders, Athletics. Alongside attendance at clubs, your child has the opportunity to represent the school in the above sports locally, county and nationally. There is an expectation that you need to attend the clubs of that sport in order to represent the school and build on the motto of “no train, no play”.








Our students in the past have enjoyed many sporting experiences competing in sports, not only the success of winning games, tournaments or cup competitions but at the same time losing. Our students can still recall many experiences of fixtures they have had and these create memories for life.








As a Department, we also offer various opportunities for students to attend sporting trips for example Premier league Football matches, Twenty20 Cricket games. These are great experiences for students to watch top class professional sport. In the past, we have also offered Sporting tours/trips for Football and Netball abroad which have included Barcelona Spain, Paris – France and until the Covid outbreak, we were due to be visiting Holland. The trips have always been a great success and students are always keen to attend. We operate several fundraisers throughout the year in order to subsidise the running costs for each individual.

Physical Education Extra-Curricular Programme:

Expressive Arts:

The school has a professional dance studio that is used for dance and drama lessons. The music room is fully equipped with a range of instruments and peripatetic lessons are available in a singing and various instruments from external private teachers. 






The school hall has a full stage with state of the art lighting system that is used all year with for the Performing Arts departments thriving extracurricular programme.

Students have vast opportunities to become involved in performing arts based activities in their Dance, Drama and Music lessons at Key Stage 3 and can opt to study the three disciplines at GCSE level.






Every half term there is  alive performance by our students. Shows throughout the year include: Shrewsbury Academy’s Got Talent, Christmas Concert. Annual school musical, GCSE Dance, Drama and Music exam performances, Summer Concert. 






Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics:

STEM subjects are integral to the UK’s success:

  • the UK is the 6th largest manufacturer in the world
  • engineering turnover is £800 billion per year
  • the UK produces 10% of the world’s top scientific research.

Whilst graduates can expect to earn £160,00 more in their lifetime than non-graduates, STEM graduates have the potential to earn more than twice this amount!


Tuesdays after school in Lab 1!

Work Experience Programme:

Annually, Year 10 students are encouraged to experience the ‘world of work’, when they partake in a one week work experience placement. The school’s extensive business network ensures that students find placements relevant to their interests and career aspirations, and this forms a crucial element of their learning development.

Educational Visits and Events:

At Shrewsbury Academy, the opportunities available to students outside of the classroom are exceptional. From Ski tours in Italy, spending days & nights in New York to Geography Field Studies at Cardingmill Valley,  students are given every opportunity to transfer the skills they learn in the classroom to an external environment and bring their learning journey to life. Recent trips have included:

Manor Adventure
Year 8 pupils enjoyed a residential visit to Manor Adventure with Mr Mee & Miss Powell.   This outdoor pursuit activity centre offers exceptional facilities within a 55-acre site in the heart of Wales between the Brecon Beacons and the Cambria mountains, with views over the stunning Welsh hills.  The 5-acre lake and adjoining river provides a lovely backdrop for a range of outdoor pursuits.  A wonderful programme of activities was arranged, and everyone had a great time participating in Kayaking, Abseiling, Blind Trail, Climbing, Crate Stack, Obstacle Course, Orienteering and evening walks.







New York City 
Taking on New York with 40 students was a daunting dream HOWEVER, even though there were a few bumps in the road (Our hotel was double booked – but a free upgrade to an even better hotel so win!) we managed it and had an amazing once in a life trip that our pupils will never forget! The days were long and brimming with amazing, wonderful and iconic sites to see. There were some many opportunities for our pupils to see and visit places they had only ever seen on TV from the Rockefeller Centre, ice-skating in Central Park to the Natural History Museum. Obvious highlights had to be the Empire State Building, many of our pupils braved the heavy heights and the breath-taking view at night was a remarkable sight. We were also able to make the trip across to Liberty Island to stare up in wonder at the colossal Statue of Liberty and take a whole host of amazing pictures; this particular landmark really drove home to pupils how amazing the trip truly was; they were experiencing things that so many others will only see on TV.  Times Square also filled our pupils with a sense of wonder and excitement; the bright lights and street performers and the vast amount of shopping opportunities lay before them and shop they did! All our pupils were fantastically behaved and amazing advocates for Shrewsbury Academy. The staff could not have been prouder of them and we are sure they we will always remember this once in a life time trip!